Help/FAQs:Scheduling Jobs
Choose an option from the left hand menu.
  • Send a job to a pre-uploaded list, or to recipients from the one of the WEL Media or Business lists.
  • Send a one off job to a few manually specified recipients.
  • Upload and edit custom recipient lists or manage your list of opted out recipients.
  • View, cancel or retry existing jobs.
  • View reports on previous jobs.
  • Update your personal details or view current or old invoices/accounts.
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Test to speech messages

Preparation of WAV file for voice broadcast

Why use Text to speech

Tips for Voice messaging (TTS)

Faq's and troubleshooting


Fix missing leading zeros in excel worksheet


There are two options for sending your broadcast - "Now" or "Later". The default option is "Now".

To schedule your job for a later date or time, select "Later" from the "Send Broadcast" drop down box at the end of the broadcast wizard. Select the date and time you wish to send your broadcast and click "OK" to submit.

You can schedule a job up to 28 days in the future. You can also cancel your scheduled job any time until it has been submitted.